Is Stupidity a Name?

Every element that constitutes what makes like a reality must be in one form or shape, colour and size. Whether in a countable physical form or intractable spiritual appearance, the Creator knows what everything stands for. No one knows exactly what He knows and there will never be anyone who shall justify his/her instinct before the Maker. The reason is simple; the peace-establishing mechanics of human societies are in His reaches. God is the only one who establishes them and that is why the “earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” (Psalms 24, verse 1) 

God is the only Decision Maker who sees the entirety from the beginning to the end without brainstorming. Such a quality makes Him the Creator. Whether He is called Olódùmarè or Mvelinqangi or Jehovah or Ngai or Allah or Adonai, no one can associate stupidity with His thoughts, humanly presumed inaction or creations. Everything He does is perfect. However, His permission for the existences and establishment of humans’ free will and other celestial forces open the door to oppression and dominion among humans. If what is written in The Bible is not misunderstood, the word of Elohim reads “…subdue and dominate the earth….” This quotation is the command; humans are not expected to subdue, oppress, capitalise (capitalism), dominate and enslave their fellows with anything – policy of governance, business terms and condition etc. However, the deliberate application of the opposite makes stupidity the name of most humans, if not all. Where the revelations of the Creator are not called for or deliberately undermined, human instinct or free will is the trigger of potential suppressive actions.

In most cases, those who claim to be religious act as the mundane agents of their Creator. That is why the limitation of human knowledge is the first step towards his/her fall. Related to this point is a practice that involves the surrendering of one’s wheel of life to family and friends to steer/manoeuver with the use human logic and permutations. Allowing other fellows – parents, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbours etc. to design the blueprints one’s careers, marriages, businesses, free giving, investments, etc. will imprison the life of the affected individuals forever. Consequently, the lives of such fellows would get turned (clockwise or anti-clockwise) and twisted in any direction because their wills or senses of obedience to God are either in extinction or bought with material things.

Sometimes, the decision of humans could be described as ‘ingenious,’ or ‘brilliant,’ or ‘fantastic,’ or ‘outstanding.’ Irrespective of the description, stupidity will it be called, if it is a derivation of an act that contradicts the word or revelation of the Creator. Even if a church or a mosque or a synagogue certifies it, such shall be associated with stupidity with time. Many actions in our world today represent stupidity and more in days or years to come will fall into this category.

What about yours today and tomorrow?


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