Trump and the Hanoi Summit

Politics is a two-sided coin. To some individuals, it is characterized by fake achievements and loud media coverage of nothing. And to some, it is the source of inevitable power. Therefore, its propaganda of success is always preceded by noise or media publicity. To experienced people in politics, failure to deliver a well-advertised policy is similar to a billion-dollar advertisement of a product that would never see the light of the day. Such is similar to pre-elections promises all over the globe. They usually end in imagination; not reality.

Once, Donald Trump and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, made so much noise on nuclear weapons and ammunitions of their countries. In fact, in the media competition for the most efficient nuclear warhead, Trump affirmed to Kim that his nuclear button is the bigger one.
Kim and Trump at the Hanoi Summit
Either big or small, are nuclear weapons tools for building global peace or greater economy? If the answer is in affirmative, how many nuclear warheads will be required to reverse the value of the Zimbabwean currency to what it was before 1990 or that of Venezuela? Despite the media coverage of activities in the White House, especially on Twitter, for months before and after the inauguration of Trump, the increase in level of poverty and migration of Africans to Europe through Morocco and Libya has not reduced. So, can anyone understand the futility of accumulating weapons of war or the claim for military superiority?

Weeks before the Hanoi Summit of February 27 to 28, 2019 in Vietnam with Kim, Donald Trump publicized his successes ahead with enthusiasm. His celebration before the meeting in the presence of the media is similar to a soccer player who jubilated a given penalty before it was taken. But eventually when taken, it was not scored.

In fact, before the arrival of Trump in Vietnam, he implicitly described Barack Obama and his predecessor, George Bush, as failures in their foreign policies in putting North Korea under control. But is North Korea a colony?

Despite the unresolved circumstances that surround the death of Otto Warmbier (an American student who was returned to the US after 17-month detention and died few days after his return to the US in comatose), Mr. Trump praised Kim with words that characterize him as a trust worthy leader before the meeting in Hanoi. Would the family of Otto or the CIA say the same?

However, with the extremely and unexpectedly short period of meeting in Hanoi, it is inarguable that Kim, within few minutes into the meeting, showed Trump that the People's Republic of North Korea is not a colony of any so-called super power or an account on Twitter. And that Donald Trump is not the CEO of the Korean people.

To add more to the worry of the man who usually sacks his physically appointed officers on Twitter, his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, has wrapped him up in some circumstances that could lead to his impeachment or legal proceedings. How he would be able to stay afloat in the labyrinth of Cohen’s accusation depends on so many factors – the outcome of Robert Mueller’s investigation which would be known soon, the findings of US Senate Intelligence Committee, the American people and the media.

Eventually, Kim got the only thing he aimed to accomplish at the summit – a handshake. But what did Trump achieved? Empty authorization of a commando without securing his much-heralded deal at the Hanoi summit.

How long it will take the White House, with Trump in it, to “beg” Kim Jong-un is what remains unknown. But one thing is certain, Kim would not kowtow before Trump; each party would claim victory as masters according to their beliefs. 

Akinlolú-Prime Samuelo


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