Trump’s War against China

In all societies, there are two sides to a coin. On one side, the haves exist in mansions and castles. On the other side, the haves not find their abodes. Since such is the reality, then the belief that all holders of political offices serve the interest of the people is relatively incorrect. Those who are in public offices are certainly within the fortress of wealth and pleasure. And as a result, they don’t make policies that would circumvent their interests.
Larry Kudlow, White House Economic
Adviser and Director of the United
States National Economic Council
For the people, they are usually the victims of “public” policies which in reality are never made by the public. Why? The public is the people not a man or a league of friends in any parliament. Every human’s agenda or pursuit would never be equal to the thoughts and targets in the minds of millions (as applicable in the United States of America) or over one billion (as applicable in China) who are the peoples. In the case of Donald Trump, he believes his views and regular voices or texts on Twitter are equal to the people.
Has there been a war without casualties on each sides of those involved? With reasoning, the answer to the question could be derived. But if there is any, then it must be in the fiction of Donald Trump who claims the trade war with China would not be paid for by the American people.
There are casualties and victims in every war – military or religious, or trade etc. Despite this truth, the US increased its tariffs on products from China on Friday May 10, 2019 by 10% to 25%. With this in mind, top economic adviser of Mr. Trump, Larry Kudlow, in an interview with Fox News Sunday affirmed that, “Both sides will suffer on this” because China is determined never to swallow any “bitter fruit”.
The consumers are the people and Donald Trump, as a single person, doesn’t make up 0.0000001% of the population in the United States. So, is the president actually equal to the people?
One thing is certain. Before or after the next G20 summit in Japan in late June, Kudlow would be sacked by Donald Trump for speaking the truth. If not, he would pay a price. Others before him did. Anyone who speaks the truth can’t serve a dictator – either democratic or oligarchic dictatorship.

Akinlolú-Prime Samuelo


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